ISL79987 Video Decoder Channel Issue


I am using ISL79987 with i.MX 8M Mini.

I created a customized embedded Linux (Kernel 6.1.36) distribution with Yocto.

I have activated the ISL79987 Video Decoder IC.

Although the IC is 4-Channel, I see "video0", "video1", and "video2" under the "/dev" directory.

I am using the following configuration as DTS.

 isl7998x_mipi@3d {
        compatible = "isil,isl79987";
        reg = <0x3d>;

        ports {
          #address-cells = <1>;
          #size-cells = <0>;

          port@0 {
            reg = <0>;
            isl79987_out: endpoint {
              remote-endpoint = <&mipi_csi2_in>;
              data-lanes = <1>;

          port@1 {
            reg = <1>;
            endpoint {
              /*remote-endpoint = <&camera_0>;*/

          port@2 {
            reg = <2>;
            endpoint {
              /*remote-endpoint = <&camera_1>;*/
          port@3 {
            reg = <3>;
            endpoint {
              /*remote-endpoint = <&camera_1>;*/
          port@4 {
            reg = <4>;
            endpoint {
              /*remote-endpoint = <&camera_1>;*/

Where am I going wrong? Could you help me with this issue?

Best regards,