We would like to use this chip to decode ADHD video. According to the datasheet The RAA279974 also supports a single traditional NTSC standard definition input. Can it also sometimes handle standard definition (SD) PAL signals?
AHL (RAA279971/9972)are not PAL decoder/encoder . Though I ll check with Apps team for RAA279974
But the data sheet Section 4.6.26 shows the chip can handle NTSC or Pal. I should have spotted this sooner. Settings are in register 0x51C
Yes the SD decoder on RAA279974 support both NTSC and PAL formats.
Thank you! Our only problem now is getting sample IC's, which seem to be on very long lead times and not in stock!
Kindly go through the authorized distributor in your area. Or refer Samples Request | Renesas Electronics Corporation