SLG46826V IO0 (Pin2): can not be set to Digital input/output in GreenPAK designer

The available options for IO0 are:

  • Pin not used
  • digital input
  • digital output 

However the datasheet does not document this restriction and mentions this is GPIO: so why is Digital input/output not an available option in GreenPAK designer V6.36?

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  • However the table I reverenced (Table 1: Functional Pin Description) does not show Input and output combinations as mutually exclusive.

    Additionally to make matters interesting the register map is what I was originally looking at and it shows the opposite of : IO0 has OE. See Table 59 below.

    However both IO can be configured as Open-Drain (our usage) so I would suspect that the input could still be read in the matrix and give a valid result even for pins without OE, which seems to be implied by Table 1. The IO structure (Figure 5) also shows the input is always connected and my experiments with these devices show that the internals are quite accurately represented by these diagrams:

  • However both IO can be configured as Open-Drain (our usage) so I would suspect that the input could still be read in the matrix and give a valid result even for pins without OE

    No, the issue is that if you use OE to set the pin as output, you also disable the input because of this:

    This is a weird quirk of GreenPAKs, I don't get why you would want to block the input function if a pin is set as output, but it is the way they are. If a pin is set to output, its input returns a 0.

  • Thanks: that's an interesting design choice: it's correctly documented in the datasheet but I missed the subtle difference captured in "5.9.1 Register OE IO Structure (for IOs 0, 2, 3 with VDD)"