Cascaded CNTs clock on falling edge

Using GoConfigure SW 6.45.001 with MacOS Monterey 12.7.6, with an SLG46620V.

When I cascade CNTs such that CNT(n) is clocked by CNT(n-1)'s output, CNT(n)'s output changes on the falling edge of its clock.

It used to change on the rising edge of its clock, with older GoConfigure SW, and designs were based on this!

The attached GP file shows every CNT changing its output on the falling edge of its clock (except CNT0, which is clocked directly 

from the RC Osc).

Is there a magic option for specifying the active clock edge? (that would be nice!)

Cascaded CNTs - clocked by falling

Parents Reply
  • Hi AB, I tried a very simple design using GoConfigure SW ver 6.45.002 on MacOS and it still shows the same problem where a cascaded counter's output changes on the falling edge of its clock. The design was a new one, but the original file attached still fails also.

    You said this problem in 6.45.001 would be fixed in the next SW release but it is still there in 6.45.002.

    Please investigate this.


