ISL32172EIBZ-T & ISL32273EIBZ-T Mean Time Between Failure Value

Do you know MTBF/FIT data for ISL32172EIBZ-T & ISL32273EIBZ-T?

  • ISL32172EIBZ-T & ISL32273EIBZ-T are fabricated using our P6 technology.  (Only applicable to Intersil parts) the data for this technology is available on-line at: 

    Enter your part number in the “Reliability Report Search” field.  Use the resulting web form to select a date range and usage conditions (including a confidence level) for the failure rate calculations. It is best to choose the date range of "***. Five Years" to get a larger sample size.

    Renesas publishes failure rate information by process technology.  I’ve attached a summary report for your use. 


    1. We provide only MTTF and FIT values. MTBF is not applicable to most microcircuits; because once they have failed you cannot repair them.
    2. We publish reliability data by process technology, not by individual part types. Data published by part typically has insufficient quantities to determine accurate failure rates.
    3. We do not provide reliability reports based on customer specific applications.  

    Best regards, Cindy, Online Apps EngineerISL32172EIBZ-T and ISL32273EIBZ-T Reliability Report.pdf

  • ISL32172EIBZ-T & ISL32273EIBZ-T are fabricated using our P6 technology.  (Only applicable to Intersil parts) the data for this technology is available on-line at: 

    Enter your part number in the “Reliability Report Search” field.  Use the resulting web form to select a date range and usage conditions (including a confidence level) for the failure rate calculations. It is best to choose the date range of "***. Five Years" to get a larger sample size.

    Renesas publishes failure rate information by process technology.  I’ve attached a summary report for your use. 


    1. We provide only MTTF and FIT values. MTBF is not applicable to most microcircuits; because once they have failed you cannot repair them.
    2. We publish reliability data by process technology, not by individual part types. Data published by part typically has insufficient quantities to determine accurate failure rates.
    3. We do not provide reliability reports based on customer specific applications.  

    Best regards, Cindy, Online Apps EngineerISL32172EIBZ-T and ISL32273EIBZ-T Reliability Report.pdf

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