Hi friends,
I am using the internal oscillator of the chip, and I don't see output signal on pin 4 (XTALOUT),.
I can see the differential signal on pins 11 (AIN1+) and 12 (AIN1-).
I can access the internal registers (leer y escribir), but when I try to read the 24-bit data, I don't see anything, why?.
This is my code in micropython:
RDY_MISO = machine.Pin(8, machine.Pin.IN) # Pin compartido RDY/MISO
################################################################################ Functions ISL26102def leer_adc(): global val if RDY_MISO.value() == 1: # Verificamos si RDY está activo while RDY_MISO.value() == 1: val = 0 datos = spi1.read(3) # Leer tres bytes
return datos
data = reg_read(spi1, cs1_ADC, ID)print("Datos del ID:", data)
data = reg_read(spi1, cs1_ADC, SDO_LPS_R) # SD0 = 0print("Datos del SD0:", data)
reg_write(spi1, cs1_ADC, POINTER_W, 0x00) # POINTER = Channel 1
data = reg_read(spi1, cs1_ADC, POINTER_R)print("Datos del Pointer:", data)
data = reg_read(spi1, cs1_ADC, PGAGAIN_R) # print("Datos del PGA GAIN:", data)
data = reg_read(spi1, cs1_ADC, MUX_R)print("Datos del MUX:", data)
reg_write(spi1, cs1_ADC, OWR_W, 0x0D) # 400 Sps
data = reg_read(spi1, cs1_ADC, OWR_R)print("Datos del Output Word Rate:", data)
reg_write(spi1, cs1_ADC, CONTROL_W, 0x02) # Perform Continuous Conversions
data = reg_read(spi1, cs1_ADC, CONTROL_R)print("Datos del Conversion Control:", data)
k = 400
while k > 0: lectura = leer_adc() print("Datos del ADC:", lectura) print(k) k = k - 1
reg_write(spi1, cs1_ADC, CONTROL_W, 0x00) # Stop Conversions
What I get is the following:
Datos del Conversion Control: b'\x02'
Datos del ADC: None64Datos del ADC: None63Datos del ADC: None62Datos del ADC: None61Datos del ADC: b'\x00\x00\x00'60Datos del ADC: b'\x00\x00\x00'59Datos del ADC: None58Datos del ADC: None57Datos del ADC: None56Datos del ADC: None55Datos del ADC: None54
To best support you on this you will need to submit a Technical Support ticket by going to our support portal from the following link: https://en-support.renesas.com
You will need to sign in with your company email address, and if you don't have an account you will need to register with one. https://www.renesas.com/register
Best regards, Cindy, Renesas Online Applications Support Engineer
Dear Cindy,
I am an electronic engineer, and I design electronic equipment, but I don't have company email address. Therefore, I assume that I cannot ask questions to technical support.
In any case, when reading the conversion data word (SPI, MODE 0, MSB first), I get data that seems to be obtained from a single ended signal rather than a differential signal. Should I change to MODE 1?
I see you went ahead and submitted a support ticket and I already responded to it.
Best regards, Cindy