e2 debugger support for RCAR G4MH for WhiteBox SDK demo project

Hello Renesas community,

      Now, we are trying to leverge the WhiteBox SDK to develop manufacture test program ( non-autosar application) and we would like to use the e2 to debug our code.

     May I know if there is any user guide or sample project we can refer to?

Best Regards,


  • Hello Alex,

    We had usage guide for debugging G4MH software to check benchmark result with e2emulator + e2studio + Whitebox SDK v4.1.
    It may help you.
    However, It's no longer supported because we have used another method insted of it since version 5.0.
    So, I don't know that it works correctly now.

    If you are interasted in it, please get Whitebox SDK Application Note v1.1.
    Unfortunately, we have published only latest version of each manual.
    But, according to FAQ, you can get previous version of manual by contacting via email:

  • Hi,

    However, It's no longer supported because we have used another method insted of it since version 5.0.

    May I know the detail of the new method you are using now?

    We need a way to debug the WhiteBox SDK under Linux?

    By the way, I send the request to Renesas team to request the document but I don't get the response.



  • Hello,

    May I know the detail of the new method you are using now?

    I think it is not useful for you because it's not debug method.
    We have used debugger to get benchmark result until version 4.1.
    Currently, we use ICCOM(inter CPU communication) to get benchmark result.
    This is described in latest Application Note, so please refer it.

    By the way, I send the request to Renesas team to request the document but I don't get the response.

    Sorry for inconvenience.
    I will ask internal team about this.

  • Hi Y.H,

           We follow the Whitebox SDK Application Note v1.1. guide to enable the e2 and we encounter the error message below. Could you please us to clarify it? 

    "gdb action 'connect to target', has failed with error code, 0x00000d05"

    By the way, could you provide more details about the new method you're currently using? If it's feasible, we're open to adopting the new method as well.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Alex,

    As I said in this thread, we have not support these feature since Whitebox SDK v5.0.
    So, It is difficult to provide more support for you about this topic.
    At least, we had checked these process before releasing Whitebox SDK v4.1 and Application Note v1.1.
    Thus, if you follows instruction correctly, I think it will work correctly.

    By the way, I noticed Application Note v1.1 contains only debug setup with S4SK.
    I think Spider's setup is contained in User manual.
    If I understand correctly Spider setup procedure is not changed from Whitebox SDK v4.1.
    So, you can refer the latest User's manual.
    And, please check the mode switch board configulation is correct.
    I don't know which board you use but incorrect setting may cause unknown error.

    By the way, could you provide more details about the new method you're currently using? If it's feasible, we're open to adopting the new method as well.

    Our "new method" is to get benchmark result from G4MH application.
    This is not debug method.
    In Whitebox SDK v4.1, we had not implemented communication method between each CPU core.
    Thus, we used e2 emulator to check variable which benchmark result is stored in.
    And, since Whitebox SDK v5.0, we have communication method between each CPU core.
    So, we change to use this new communication method to get result of benchmark.
    Even if you are interested in this new method, please check ICCOM driver on CA55 and sample project on G4MH.


  • Hi Alex,

    As I said in this thread, we have not support these feature since Whitebox SDK v5.0.
    So, It is difficult to provide more support for you about this topic.
    At least, we had checked these process before releasing Whitebox SDK v4.1 and Application Note v1.1.
    Thus, if you follows instruction correctly, I think it will work correctly.

    By the way, I noticed Application Note v1.1 contains only debug setup with S4SK.
    I think Spider's setup is contained in User manual.
    If I understand correctly Spider setup procedure is not changed from Whitebox SDK v4.1.
    So, you can refer the latest User's manual.
    And, please check the mode switch board configulation is correct.
    I don't know which board you use but incorrect setting may cause unknown error.

    By the way, could you provide more details about the new method you're currently using? If it's feasible, we're open to adopting the new method as well.

    Our "new method" is to get benchmark result from G4MH application.
    This is not debug method.
    In Whitebox SDK v4.1, we had not implemented communication method between each CPU core.
    Thus, we used e2 emulator to check variable which benchmark result is stored in.
    And, since Whitebox SDK v5.0, we have communication method between each CPU core.
    So, we change to use this new communication method to get result of benchmark.
    Even if you are interested in this new method, please check ICCOM driver on CA55 and sample project on G4MH.

