Setup device driver and MCAL for X5H


I am new to use Renesas MCU. 

How can I setup device drivers and MCAL for X5H ?

I installed E2 Studio but could not find an option to add the packages for X5H

Best regards,

Nandan Chaturbhuj

Parents Reply
  • Hello Nandan Chaturbhuj,

    Thank you for sharing information.
    Unfortunately, this question cannot be dealt with in this group/fourum.
    This group and the forums it contains cover the following only:
    - R-Car S4 Whitebox SDK
    - Linux BSP and Xen(Hypervisor) for R-Car S4 Starter Kit board

    And X5H information isn't published.
    So I will close this ticket. If you can post question without non-public information, please submit new question.

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