This I found:Enabling GDB per CPU--------------------In order to connect a GDB the CCI parameter `name.of.cpu.gdb_port` must be set a none zero value.For instance ```bash$ ./build/vp --gs_luafile conf.lua -p platform.cpu_1.gdb_port=1234```Will open a gdb server on port 1234, for `cpu_1`, and the virtual platform will wait for GDB to connect.How the GDB is connected ?
Sorry for late reply.
Could you please confirm which platform/OS are you running on this S4? What debug device are you using?
Hi Amrevitaws,
More than 2 weeks have passed since this ticket was last updated. If this topic will be discussed continuously, please update it. If there is no update by 10/30, it will be automatically closed.If you have any updates or want to ask another question, please post new question.
Hi ,
we are using RCARS4 Virtual platform . Linux os we deployed in CA55Core .
I'm sorry, but discussion about virtual platform does not comply with this forum policy.
Could you try to submit a technical support ticket: Technical Support Services | Support Forums & Ticket Assistance - Renesas | Renesas
Hi vani,
I will close this ticket. If you can post question deeling with this group/forum, please submit new question.