We use whitebox 5.3 and I follow the startup guide to install pcie patch.
But It will show device tree generation failed.
Please help us to fix this issue.
Best Regards,
HI Johnny,
This patch won't work on Whitebox SDK because it is not created for Xen hypervisor. Just to confirm, do you want to use PCIe on Whitebox SDK? If yes, I will try to create a patch for you.
I want use PCIe on Whitebox 5.3.
Is there any update?
Hi Johnny,
I see that Whitebox SDK enabled PCIe driver by default in root complex mode. I think you can check with an external device.
PCIe Endpoint mode is not available. It needs more time to create a patch. Please tell me if you need it
I'll follow the startup guide " How to build PCIe driver as Root Complex"
and try pcie test.
How can I test only have root complex mode?
It seems need end point mode.
In this case, I suggest using another Spider board running Linux BSP as end point mode. And the current board runs Whitebox SDK root complex mode. So that you can use the test scripts provided in the SDK.
Duy Dang
More than 2 weeks have passed since this ticket was last updated. If this topic will be discussed continuously, please update it. If there is no update by 12/16, it will be automatically closed.If you have any updates or want to ask another question, please post new question.
I ran Linux BSP successfully but there's a failed log.
Please help me to fixed this issue.
These 2 last test cases need us to modify kernel source to increase the transfer data size. But it will affect other modules.
They are performance tests only, not related to the PCIe operation. So, you can ignore them.
Got it. I don;t have any question. You can close it.
I will close this ticket. If you want to ask another question, please post new question.