RCar-E2-SILK board,Rev1.0 Yocto Build Set Up


I am working on RCar-E2-SILK board,Rev1.0 for one of our Requirements.

I am facing issue in Yocto Build Set Up.I am following below links for set up



Below is the Screenshot of my Errors after i give the command bitbake core-image-weston

I am using Ubuntu-20.04 version for build.What is the recommended Ubuntu version for the build?


1.Is there Still Support for RCAR- E2 Silk Board ?if there is ,where can i find updated documents to set up Yocto and also to boot from SD card/Flash?

2.Is it Recommended to move forward with Rcar-e2 Silk board?

As per my requirement i need to work on DDR3 configuration specifically on RCAR-E2 Silk Evaluation Board




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