I am trying to write to CSHI0 registers CTL0,1 and 2 and CFG registers to configure CSHI0 spi communication after setting up the registers when i view the memory location in the multi debugger the values are not reflecting and i am not getting any output. While my port configuration registers values are reflected in the debugger. So, can you help me how to write to these registers to up my spi communication?
Hello Akshay
Out of MCU reset the clock supply to CSIH is not enabled. Before writing to any of the CSIH registers you need to enable this clock source which is done by setting MSR_LM10 = 1. See section 14.3.9 of the HW UM.
Regards Dave
Sorry to correct my response, out of reset MSR_LM10 = 1, which is CSIH clock stopped. You need to set MSR_LM10 to zero to enable the clock source.
hello David thanks for the reply, now i am able to write to the csih registers.
Also, i had one more doubt regarding the same.
I have configured 2MHz baud rate and transmit only buffer mode and was expecting a clock on sck pin using analyzer but only getting high low from the pin. I don't know what is wrong with my configurations or i am missing any steps? and I am not sure my transmission is happening or not also, my receive interrupt is generated. But RX0W contains zeros so can you guide me?
#ifdef INTCSIH0TIR_ENABLE#pragma ghs interrupt void INTCSIH0TIR (void){ sts_rx[rx_ind] = CSIH0RX0W; rx_ind++;}#endif
void CSIH0_Port_init(void){ /*Configure CSIH0 port5 *CSIH0CSS1 SPI_DSI3.SS1 P5_1 O *CSIH0CSS0 SPI_DSI3.SS0 P5_4 O *CSIH0SO SPI_DSI3.MOSI P5_5 O *CSIH0SCO SPI_DSI3.SCK P5_6 O *CSIH0SI SPI_DSI3.MISO P5_7 I */ PFCE5 &= 0xFF0DU; /* 1111111100001101*/ PFC5 |= 0x00F2U; /* 0000000011110010*/ PMC5 |= 0x00F2U; /* 0000000011110010*/ PM5 |= 0x0080U; /* 0000000010000000*/ PM5 &= 0xFF8DU; /* 1111111110001101*/ PIPC5 |= 0x0060U; /* 0000000001100000*/ MSR_LM10 = 0x00000000;}
void CSIH0_Mode_Config(void){
/*Stop transmission*/ CSIH0.CTL0.UINT8 = 0x00; /* CSIH0CTL1 = - //[31:19]: reserved - // (0x0 <<18) //[18]: CPU-controlled high-priority communication function - // disabled - (0x0 <<17) //[17]: default level of CSIHTSCK is low - |(0x0 <<16) //[16]: normal interrupt timing of INTCSIH0IC - |(0x0 <<8) //[15:8]: all chip select signals are active low - |(0x0 <<7) //[7]: extended data length mode enabled - |(0x0 <<6) //[6]: job mode enabled - |(0x0 <<5) //[5]: data consistency check disabled - |(0x1 <<4) //[4]: chip select signal returns to the inactive level - // after last transfer - |(0x0 <<3) //[3]: loop-back mode deactived - |(0x0 <<2) //[2]: no interrupt delay is generated - |(0x0 <<1) //[1]: handshake function disabled - |(0x0); //[0]: slave select input ignored*/ CSIH0.CTL1 = 0x00000010UL;
//CSIH0CTL2 = (0x0 <<13); //[15:13]: referenc clock (PRSOUT) is PCLK //[12:0]: reserved CSIH0.CTL2 = 0x0000U; CSIH0BRS0 = 20; // BRS0 clock = PRSOUT/(4 * CSIH0BRS0) CSIH0MCTL0 = //[15:10] reserved (0x2 <<8) //[9:8] transmit-only buffer mode selected //[7:5] reserved |(0x0); //[4:0] no time-out detection (in FIFO mode only)
CSIH0MCTL1 = //[31:23] reserved (0x0 <<16) //[22:16] number of remaining transmit data for setting FIFO // empty flag and INTCSIH0IC generation (buffer empty) //[15:7] reserved |(0x0); //[6:0] number of remaining reception data space in FIFO // mode for INTCSIH0IR generation (buffer full) CSIH0CFG0 = // Configuration of CS0 signal (0x0 <<30) //[31:30] transfer clock is set according to CSIH0BRS0 |(0x0 <<28) //[29:28] no parity transmission/expectation |(0x8 <<24) //[27:24] data length = 16 bits |(0x0 <<19) //[19] dominat setting of chip select signal |(0x0 <<18) //[18] MSB first transmission/reception |(0x1 <<17) //[17] clock phase selection |(0x0 <<16) //[16] data phase selection |(0x0 <<15) //[15] no idle state insertion between consecutive transfers |(0x0 <<12) //[14:12] idle time is 0.5 transmission clocks cycles |(0x0 <<8) //[11:8] hold time is 0.5 transmission clocks cycles |(0x0 <<4) //[7:4] inter-delay time is 0.0 transmission clocks cycles |(0x0); //[3:0] setup time is 0.5 transmission clocks cycles
EIC88 = 0x004fU;
CSIH0PWR = 1; }
void CSIH0_Write(void){
unsigned long tempTxW = 0; unsigned long txdatabuf[4]; CSIH0_NumOfData = 4; txdatabuf[0] = (unsigned long)0xc060; txdatabuf[1] = (unsigned long)0xffff; txdatabuf[2] = (unsigned long)0xB100; txdatabuf[3] = (unsigned long)0x0000; data_idx = 0; do{ tempTxW = txdatabuf[data_idx]; tempTxW |= 0x00FE0000L; //select cs0 data_idx++; if(data_idx == CSIH0_NumOfData){ tempTxW |= ((unsigned long)1L<<31); } CSIH0TX0W = tempTxW; }while(data_idx < CSIH0_NumOfData); }
void CSIH0_Start(void){ rx_ind = 0; EOT_flg = 0; // enable transmission and reception CSIH0.CTL0.UINT8 = 0xE0;
CSIH0MRWP0 = //[31:23] reserved (0x0 <<16) //[22:16] read pointer of the receive buffer (not required in // tx-only buffer mode) //[15:7] reserved |(0x0); //[6:0] read/write pointer of the transmit buffer
CSIH0MCTL2 = (0x1 <<31) //[31] start trigger for buffer transfer //[30:24] reserved |(CSIH0_NumOfData <<16) //[23:16] number of transfer data //[15:7] reserved |(0x00); //[6:0] start pointer of the transmit data /*Delay*/ DrvTimer_ActiveWait(100000);}
Below is ftp link to download a sample project that demonstrates usage of the CSIH in master mode.
It was tested on RH850/P1M-C device ( 240MHz CPU clock ) but the CSIH is same for P1H-C.
Please have a look at this example. It should help you figure out your issue.
To download the file(s) please click on the respective link(s) below.
Your password is: )a?|Cu/cyy
Name: P1M-C_CSIH_TX_RX_INTERRUPT_DEMO_REV2_Installer.exe Size: 812.8 KiB Expires: July 29, 2021 Download: https://filexchng.rea.renesas.com/download?domain=REA&id=20d6a699bc1648528ead9d9e26c4f14d-afca5f013b5e4916bfc4bad7db8db99c
Hello David
Thanks for the driver regarding the clock the issue was from the hardware side so. now i am able to get the clock on the spi analyzer and MISO and MOSI lines are also showing proper data on the analyzer.
Although, I had an issue that my miso lines show the data on the analyzer and my receive interrupt is also generated but when i read the data from the RX0W register or view the register from the debugger window it contains zeros i am not able to understand why it does not contain the data on the MISO pin? I am able to see that the TX0W is written properly.
Am i doing something wrong while reading the RX0W register can you help me with this?
I would close your debug window so you are not trying to read the CSIH receive register. Only use your embedded code for reading from the receive buffer. I am not sure this is your issue but I have seen problems where the debugger is reading peripheral status flags in a memory windows and clearing flags from the read operation and this cause conflicts with the users embedded sw.
I would double check your port pin settings to confirm you have configured the CSIH SI pin correctly for CSIH SI functionality.
Thanks for the reply, I have checked all the port pin setting and tx and rx part. I am using transmit only data buffer and sending 8bit data at a time. Total 64 bit i am sending and for each 8 bit sent i am receiving a receive interrupt. In receive Interrupt i am just reading the RX0W. But when i print these received values on the UART i can only see the chip select bits that i configured and the data part is empty{i.e 0xfe0000}. Here i am using chip select 0 signal.
Also, when i check my spi analyser i can see all the signals are transmitted and received fine i.e. the MISO and MOSI lines contain data which i am expecting to read from RX0W. So, i have only one issue that why isn't my RX0W contain the MISO lines data whenever receive interrupt is generated?
Can you guide me here because i am stuck on this point and i don't know how to move ahead with resolving the issue? Also, i have shared my code above if you want to have a look at the reception side.
I reviewed your ports settings so I do not see a misconfiguration issue. I will have to review you code in more detail to see what is causing your issue. Are you running this code on your own embedded target hw or a P1x-C PiggyBack Board ? Are you sure you do not have some hw mistake in your design that is causing the MCU pin not to see the signal ? Are you able to configure your MISO pin as a GPIO signal and have the MCU be able to read hi and lo signal values on P5_7 ? This is assuming you have the ability to externally set this signal
So, I am using embedded target hw with P1HC and I have checked that when I set the P5_7 from the console it is reflected on the MISO pin so the lines are proper from HW side. I guess i am not reading the RX0W properly. Is there any other way to implement this?
Regards Akshay
I ran your code on my P1H-C 1372 device and the data reception is working as expected. I executed the
functionality in Akshaycode.c on my PiggyBack Board, externally looping CSIH0 SO and SI pins so whatever is transmitted should be received back. In CSIH0_ExternalLoopbackTest.png you can see screenshots from GHS debugger where the data is received correctly. Below is ftp link to download Akshay.zip which contains the source file and the png file.
Your password is: #f;3/|kq&]
Name: Akshay.zip Size: 51.8 KiB Expires: July 24, 2021 Max Downloads: 5 Download: https://filexchng.rea.renesas.com/download?domain=REA&id=75c75a16e9834da986dc24c5e447412a-fe2d4cfbcdfa4981adaef6f353890f01