The chip I am using is RH850U2A8, I generated the RLIN(UART Mode) code via SmartConfigurator, when I connected the serial debugging tool and started it with the communication parameters, I want to output a uint8 array {'a','b','c','A','B','C'}, Then I tried to modify the contents of the array and found that 0x42 could output 'B', but 0x41 could not output 'A'(based on UTF-8). I have checked the communication parameters including baud rate, data bit, etc., because the larger the baud rate, the greater the error, so I set the baud rate to 9600bps;Because there is no oscilloscope in hand, I cannot test the output waveform for the time being
Hi Yin,Are you using any of Renesas development boards or your custom hardware ?Best Regards,Vasanth
Hi Yin, can you kindly indicate if you are using any of our development boards ot its is a custom design?
In addition, please share you project so that we can test and debug.
PS : apologies for the delayed response.
Thank you for your answer, the problem has been solved, because the data direction should be selected as LSB, but I configured it as MSB before, which also explains why some characters can be printed out
Thank you for your answer, I use the RH850-U2A8 development board。