I am working with the RH850/F1KM-S4 Starter Kit and would like to send some command to the board via uart. I got the Y-ASK-RH850F1KM-S4-V3 Software Package but only found an uart send function (R_RLIN30_UartSendString) which btw works as expected. I see that the uart send use the RLN30LUTDR register and I assume a receiving should be done via RLN30LURDR. I have had no success reading anything from RLN30LURDR so far though. I wonder if there somewhere exist a code example showing how to receive from the uart ( I don't see anything in the SW package) ?
Hello Ulrik,
Apologies for the delay.
I am not sure what code you are using to test UART, so please let me share a quick example on RH850/F1KM-S4 Starter Kit for UART transmission. I have just connected Tx and Rx pins of LIN/UART channel 0 with each other ( pins P0_2 and P0_3 ).
I see both RLIN30.LUTDR and RLIN30.LUTRDR changing values.
Please let me know if you have further questions.
Now I have to apologies for the delay! I totally missed the answer! Thanks you very much, this was exactly what I needed!