Hello Supporter,
We are developing Autosar based SW. We are configuring INTP2 and INTP3 as wakeup factors. When deep stop mode is reached, STBC_WUF0.WUFMSK0 is updated with mask value '0' for INTP2 and INTP3. When INTP2 or INTP3 raising edge is detected, wakeup registers are not updating . hence Deep Stop to RUN mode transition is not happening.
Kindly support us to resolve the issue
So the problem is that the device never wakes up from DeepSTOP mode ?
Are INTP2, INTP3 triggered normally in RUN mode ?
Hello ,
So the problem is that the device never wakes up from DeepSTOP mode ? --> yes
Are INTP2, INTP3 triggered normally in RUN mode ? --> yes normally this interrupt routines are executed fine,
What is the value of WUFMSK0 before going into STOP mode ?
Before going to Deep stop is 0xFFFF FFFF . Once Deepstop mode reaced, The value of WUFMSK0 is 0xFFFFFD7F
Both wake-up factors are enabled so they should wake up the device from DeepSTOP mode.
When returned from DeepSTOP mode due to wake-up factor 1 (as INTP2 and INTP3), the microcontroller starts the operation from the reset vector address.
How are you checking that the device is still in DeepSTOP mode ?
1) We check the Current consumption whether it is increasing or not. - it is not increasing when we give wakeup
2) We keep breakpoint in main function . but it is not hitting. so we conclude MCU is still in Deepstop mode
What is the value of FCLA0CTL2_INTPL and FCLA0CTL3_INTPL registers ?
The values are
and FCLA0CTL3_INTPL =0x01
If so, the interrupts are not triggered by edge detection:
Does this register specify Interrupt Edge detection detected or not? or specify about Interrupt detection configuration?