That is using option as image blow:
and then following the sequence as image beloiw:
And then R_FDL_Handler cannot read data from
Do you want to read from the 0x01030000 to 0x0103029F area ?
What does the R_FDL_CMD_READ command return with ?
Yes, but enabled Memory protection unit and It is access violate memory. I don't know. Do you have document to mention for using MPU and FDL?
If the MPU protects an area then it this area cannot be accessed. You can change the level of protection to enable reading from the MPATn — Protection Area Attribute Register.
Yes, it works after then changed to level read for this one.
However, The MPU has been enabled and then do not any IRQ works. Do you have documents for that?
I am afraid there is no such document other than the hardware manual on MPU section:
Now, The IQR has been work well with MPU. Thanks for your support.