#include "dr7f701441.dvf.h"#include "r_typedefs.h"//#include "r_rlin3_api.h"
//#include "my_input_sense.h"#include "my_UART0.h"
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#define RLIN3_UNIT 2//0
#define MY_UART2_ENABLE 1
#define protected_write(preg,pstatus,reg,value) do { \(preg)=0xa5u; \(reg)=(value); \(reg)=~(value); \(reg)=(value); \}while((pstatus)==1u)unsigned char uart_rx_flag;unsigned char uart_tx_flag;unsigned char uart_err_flag;
//#pragma alignvar(128)unsigned char my_rx_arr_uart[100];
unsigned char my_rx_data_uart;
uint64_t tick_count;
volatile uint16_t g_uartf0_rx_len; /* uartf0 receive data length */volatile uint16_t g_uartf0_rx_cnt; /* uartf0 receive data number */volatile uint8_t * gp_uartf0_rx_address; /* uartf0 receive data address */
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------uint8_t my_tx_arr_uart[] = "OK";//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void my_UART2_send_byte(unsigned char data){while((RLN32LST & 0x10) != 0U);RLN32.LUTDR.UINT8[L] = data;}
unsigned char my_UART2_polling_receive(unsigned char *Rx_Data){/* wait for a byte to arrive */while (( 0 == INTC2EIRF216 ) && ( tick_count )){tick_count--;}if ( 0 == tick_count ){*Rx_Data = '0';return FALSE;}*Rx_Data = RLN32.LURDR.UINT8[L];INTC2EIRF216 = 0;
return TRUE;}
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#if 1#pragma ghs interruptvoid INTRLIN32UR0 (void){uart_tx_flag = 1;INTC2EIRF217 = 0; // clear interrupt flag}
void r_uartf0_callback_receiveend(void){/* if(enable_frame){my_frame_received = 1;}uart_rx_flag = 1;phone_connected = 1;*/}#endif//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#if 1#pragma ghs interruptvoid INTRLIN32UR1(void){INTC2EIRF216 = 0; // clear interrupt flagif (g_uartf0_rx_len > g_uartf0_rx_cnt){//*gp_uartf0_rx_address = rx_data_8;//gp_uartf0_rx_address++;my_rx_arr_uart[g_uartf0_rx_cnt] = RLN32.LURDR.UINT8[L];g_uartf0_rx_cnt++;
if (g_uartf0_rx_len == g_uartf0_rx_cnt){r_uartf0_callback_receiveend();g_uartf0_rx_cnt = 0;}}else{}}#endif//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#if 1#pragma ghs interruptvoid INTRLIN32UR2(void){uart_err_flag = 1;INTC2EIRF215 = 0; // clear interrupt flagRLN32LEST = 0x00;}#endif//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------void my_UART2_init(void){
// P0_2 --> TX// P0_3 --> RXPORT_AWO.PMC0.UINT16 |= 0x000C;PORT_AWO.PM0.UINT16 &= 0xFFFB;PORT_AWO.PM0.UINT16 |= 0x0008;
protected_write(SYSPROTCMDD1, SYSPROTSD1, SYSCKSC_IRLINS_CTL, (uint8_t)0x01); //LIN clock -> 48MHzwhile(SYSCKSC_IRLINS_ACT!=0x01);RLN32LUOER = 0x00;RLN32LCUC = 0x00; // disable RLIN30RLN32LBFC = 0x00; // Tx & RX data are normal polrity, NO Parity, 1 STOP bit, LSB first, 8-bit//RLN32.LEDE = 0x0D; // Framing error, Overrun error & bit error detection enabledRLN32LWBR = 0xC0; // sampling bit count 13, prescalar 1:1
//RLN32.LBRP01.UINT16 = 3; // for 921600 bpsRLN30.LBRP01.UINT16 = 31; // Baudrate = (LIN30 CLK * Prescalar) / (BRP value + 1)/(sample bit count)// 48MHZ/((31+1)*13)= 115200 baudRLN32LMD = 0x01; // 0x01 UART mode selected, Noise filter is enabled// 0x21 UART mode, noise filter disabled//RLN32.LDFC = 0x01; // only for testimgRLN32LCUC = 0x01; // cancel LIN reset modewhile(RLN32LMST==0); // wait until LIN reset mode is cancelled//RLN32.LUOER = 0x03; // Enable Transmission & Reception//----------------------------------------------------------------------// Transmission interrupt configurationINTC2EITB217 = 1; // 0--> Direct jump method// 1--> Vector tableINTC2EIP217 = 0; // highest priority// Reception interrupt configurationINTC2EITB216 = 1; // 0--> Direct jump method// 1--> Vector tableINTC2EIP216 = 0; // highest priority// Status interrupt configurationINTC2EITB215 = 1; // 0--> Direct jump method// 1--> Vector tableINTC2EIP215 = 0; // highest priority
//-------------------- RLIN3 related --------------------------------------------------------/*R_DEV_ClkSelection(my_rlin3_ClkSelectionCfg);R_DEV_PinInit(my_rlin3_PinConfig);my_rlin3_config.Parity = R_RLIN3_NONE_PARITY;my_rlin3_config.Stopbit = R_RLIN3_ONE_STOPBIT;my_rlin3_config.Direction = R_RLIN3_LSB_FIRST;my_rlin3_config.Baudrate = 19200;my_rlin3_config.CharLength = R_RLIN3_CHARLEN_8BIT;my_rlin3_config.Detection = R_RLIN3_DET_BIT_ERROR | R_RLIN3_DET_BIT_OVR | R_RLIN3_DET_BIT_FRAMING;my_rlin3_config.TxDataLevel = R_RLIN3_TDL_NOT_INVERTED;my_rlin3_config.RxDataLevel = R_RLIN3_RDL_NOT_INVERTED;my_rlin3_config.TxEnable = R_RLIN3_TX_ENABLED;my_rlin3_config.RxEnable = R_RLIN3_RX_ENABLED;my_rlin3_err = R_RLIN3_Init(RLIN3_UNIT, &my_rlin3_config);if(my_rlin3_err != R_RLIN3_ERR_OK){while(1);}*/
//---------------------------- Interrupt config ------------------------------------------#if 0my_rlin3_err = R_RLIN3_SetIsrCallback(RLIN3_UNIT,R_RLIN3_INT_RX, &my_rlin30_rx_isr);if(my_rlin3_err != R_RLIN3_ERR_OK){while(1);}my_rlin3_err = R_RLIN3_SetIsrCallback(RLIN3_UNIT,R_RLIN3_INT_TX, &my_rlin30_tx_isr);if(my_rlin3_err != R_RLIN3_ERR_OK){while(1);}my_rlin3_err = R_RLIN3_SetIsrCallback(RLIN3_UNIT,R_RLIN3_INT_RE, &my_rlin30_error_isr);if(my_rlin3_err != R_RLIN3_ERR_OK){while(1);}R_RLIN3_EnableInt(RLIN3_UNIT,R_RLIN3_INT_RX);R_RLIN3_EnableInt(RLIN3_UNIT,R_RLIN3_INT_TX);R_RLIN3_EnableInt(RLIN3_UNIT,R_RLIN3_INT_RE);#endif
void my_UART2_start(void){// enable tranmission interruptINTC2EIRF217 = 0; // clear interrupt flagINTC2EIMK217 = 0; // enable interrupt// enable reception interruptINTC2EIRF216 = 0; // clear interrupt flagINTC2EIMK216 = 0; // enable interrupt// enable status interruptINTC2EIRF215 = 0; // clear interrupt flagINTC2EIMK215 = 0; // enable interruptRLN32LUOER = 0x03; // Enable Transmission & Receptiong_uartf0_rx_len = 2;}
void my_UART2_stop(void){// disable tranmission interruptINTC2EIRF217 = 0; // clear interrupt flagINTC2EIMK217 = 1; // disable interrupt// disable reception interruptINTC2EIRF216 = 0; // clear interrupt flagINTC2EIMK216 = 1; // disable interrupt// disable status interruptINTC2EIRF215 = 0; // clear interrupt flagINTC2EIMK215 = 1; // disable interruptRLN32LUOER = 0x00; // Enable Transmission & Reception}//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void my_UART2_Send_String( unsigned char *buffer){unsigned char i;for ( i = 0; buffer[i] != 0; i++ ){my_UART2_send_byte(buffer[i]);}}// To receive one byte.uint8_t UART_Receive_Byte(void){while (!(RLN32LEST & (1 << 1))); // Check reception status , wait till the data is received.
return (uint8_t)(RLN32LURDR); // read the data from receive data register.}
// To receive a string.void UART_Receive_String(char *buffer, uint32_t max_length){uint32_t index = 0;char received_char;
while (index < max_length - 1) // one space for null character{received_char = UART_ReceiveByte(); // Receive a characterif (received_char == '\n' || received_char == '\r') // End of string{break;}buffer[index++] = received_char; // Store received character}buffer[index] = '\0'; // Null-terminate the string}I have done this UART driver for RH850/D1M1 R7F701441 but it is not working
i am not receiving proper data, i am using GHS IDE to debug my driver but am unable to receive the data in the dock light
Hi,When you are telling, you are not receiving proper data. What is the observation at your end. What is your observation on the UART lines. What are the observations when you try to debug?Best Regards,Vasanth
i am not receiving any data. i am checking in dock light tool.
These data i am receiving , i am transmitting a string HELLO