I am not able to find out the sample code for RH850U2A8 r7f702301a microcontroller.
Please share the sample code link and if you have ethernet sample code please share.
I am using smartcofig tools, CS+ compiller
The is an app-note with sample code for the U2A piggy / mainboard: RH850/U2A-EVA Group Ethernet I/F Connection Guide
We purchased the Y-RH850-U2A-292PIN-PB-T1-V2 Evk piggyback board. I want to know which Ethernet Phy is mounted on the piggyback board. In the RH850/U2A 292pin User's Manual: Piggyback Board, I have seen that the Ethernet Phy is mentioned as Marvell 88Q2112.
But in sample code it mentioned the Ethernet PHY is LAN8700
Can you share me ethernet PHY driver for Marvell 88Q2112 for RH850U2A8 r7f702301A
The U2A starter kit sample code includes support for the Marvell PHY, look in the PE2 source code folder.
I am not understanding code flow is there any application note for that code.
and also is there any freertos or RTOS dependency to run tcp client or tcp server in my application using LWIP .
Can i run lwip stack on bare metal programming application?
Hello Mady,
I have a U2A8/292-pin sample project running several applications like TCP client, server, Web server, and TFTP using FreeRTOS and LWIP on a custom board with the microchip PHY.Feel free to email me ([email protected]) if you till need it now.