Non Maskable Interrupt Configuration

We need to configure Non Maskable Interrupt for controller RH850 F1KMS2. We have configured NMI pin. But we are not able to handle the NMI.

For Infineon controller, NMI is handled under Trap Class 7. When the NMI is raised Trap7 is called. We can handle NMI with Trap7 functionality.

In the same way, we are searching for similar functionality in Renesas. Could you please suggest the steps for handling NMI in RH850-F1KM?

Parents Reply
  • Hi Team,

    Great thanks for the reply. 

    In process of NMI configuration, the Register "WDTNMIF" is getting set as 1 which means our controller is able to detect the interrupt.

    Also, we have configured the Os ISR for FENMI and defined the void FENMI (void).
    But the FENMI() is not getting hitted. 

    Could you please help to link the FENMI function with the FENMI interrupt?

    Thanks in advance.
