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D/A converter ISL5729/2IN component marking questions

I have some Intersil ISL5729/2IN components I am trying to decode the part marking , Lot Date Code and Assembly site,

The marking on the component is as follows:

"I logo"




Does anybody know how to decode the P731BT5 code?

[locked by: Michael Quirk at 16:37 (GMT 0) on 4 Mar 2022]
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  • I understand, I have been working this issue for several weeks.  and I am familiar with the issues of procuring components outside of the OEM authorized distribution network.  I also understand OEM reluctance to assist in any broker part authentication activities.  My company does not purchase broker parts, however we have 3rd tier suppliers that do.  I also know that Intersil is a fan favorite supplier for counterfeiters due to the unique nature of the products and lack of interchangeability.  There is a paper written by Yong Hong in the 2011 ISTFA proceedings I think you would be very interested in.