For some time now, the Synergy Platform has had the IAR Embedded Workbench® for Renesas Synergy ™ development environment and compiler available to developers. Engineers that have been using e2 Studio might be hesitant to convert their e2 projects into IAR Workbench projects. Doesn’t this seem like it is going to be time consuming and require quite a bit of work? As it turns out, converting an e2 Studio project to an IAR Workbench project is easy and in this post, we are going to walk through how to make it happen in just a few minutes.


Developers will want to start by visiting the Synergy Gallery. There are three different software components that need to be downloaded and installed. These include

  • IAR EW for Synergy
  • Renesas SSC
  • The latest SSP

IAR EW for Synergy and Renesas SSC can be found in the Development Tools menu while the latest SSP is located in the Synergy Software Package Menu. Once these have all been downloaded, start by installing IAR EW for Synergy. Unlike e2 Studio, IAR EW does not have a built-in Synergy Configuration Tool. In order to gain access to this functionality, developers install the SSC which can then be accessed through IAR EW to configure Synergy projects. The final installation step is to then install the latest SSP into the SSC directory. By doing this the SSC will have access to the SSP packs that contain all the Synergy Software Frameworks.


Updating an e2 Studio project is easy. In fact, developers can simultaneously keep both an e2 project and IAR EW project in the same directory! After opening IAR EW, create an IAR project by selecting Project>NewProject and then in the dialog select Renesas Synergy Project. The environment will then request a name for the workspace and project file along with a location to save these files. WARNING! In order for the Synergy Configurator to work properly, the workspace and project files need to be located in the main directory along with the e2 Studio project files. Once this has been done, the Synergy Configurator will appear and it will read the configuration file that is associated with the e2 Studio project. Developers will see something similar to the following:



Developers can then make changes, add threads, frameworks and other components. The project settings have not yet been saved though. Clicking Generate Project Settings will create the Synergy files and then the configuration window can be closed.


At this point, IAR EW is setup and ready for a developer to compile. Doing a build should result in a successful project build. However, sometimes, the following output may be seen:

The error seems cryptic in that these values are defined but for some reason IAR EW is not finding them. It turns out that IAR EW can get confused if an e2 Studio project generated the Synergy files first. IAR tries to link to the gcc libraries since they have the same names as the IAR EW libraries. Thankfully this can be solved in a few easy steps. The procedure is to do the following:

  • Clean the project by going to Project>Clean
  • Delete all Synergy related files. Basically, delete the synergy folder and synergy_cfg
  • Open the Synergy configuration again by going to Renesas Synergy > Configurator.
  • Generate Project Content and then exit the configurator
  • Rebuild by using Project > Rebuild All


The strange compiler errors are now gone and we have successfully converted our e2 Studio project into an IAR EW project!


Live long and profit!





Hot Tip of the Week


The ThreadX based USBX™, GUIX™ and NetX™ elements of the SSP Platform are powerful accelerators for your project. Using these high level tools can cut weeks and months off your design cycle. Use the links below to check out the most current example projects that use these elements.


Getting Started with USBX™ HID Keyboard (Device)- Application Project (Click here)


Getting Started with NetX™ Duo DHCP- Application Project (Click Here)


SK-S7G2 GUIX™ “Hello World”- Application Project (Click Here)

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