I am fairly new to the platform so please bear with me.
I am using the SK-S7G2 kit with an ATWINC1500 wifi module in PMODB, I have added the module driver as per this link and created wifi thread with the configuration as described in this document.
When I ran the following code,
ssp_err_t status;
status = g_sf_wifi0.p_api->open(g_sf_wifi0.p_ctrl, g_sf_wifi0.p_cfg);
if(status != SSP_SUCCESS){// Write errorprintf("g_sf_wifi error opening");}
It results in the error: SSP_ERR_WIFI_CONFIG_FAILED
When I step into it, I get a c++ error: "gdb action 'read memory', has failed with error code, 0xffffffff"
Can someone help me? Am I missing any step in the configuration?
Let me know if you require more information.
Thanks a lot