I need your help.
I used thread monitor with WDT : working fine.
Now i wanted to move to IWDT : BIG ISSUE there is no reset, it seems that the timer doesn't work.
With WDT
R_DBG->DBGSTOPCR_b.DSWDT = 0;g_wdt0.p_api->open(g_wdt0.p_ctrl,g_wdt0.p_cfg); while(1);
The mcu reset -> working
R_DBG->DBGSTOPCR_b.DSIWDT = 0;g_wdt1.p_api->open(g_wdt1.p_ctrl,g_wdt1.p_cfg);while(1);
The mcu DOES NOT reset-> PLEASE HELP
I tried for a day without success
Thanks for your help
The IWDT is controlled via the OFS registers, these need to be set to enabled the IWDT.
The OFS registers are in FLASH, and the configuration is set in the BSP tab of the SSC :-
yes i am using threadx.
The attached project works for me, the iWDT generates a reset (with the iWDT settings you have used above) :-
Here is the project again, with the configuration fixed.