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AWS Cloud connexion issue with NXD_MQTT_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE error; (0x1007)


I have a connection problem on AWS Cloud.

I did create my Device on the account, as well as its shadow and embedded the 3 certificates: AmazonRootCA1.pem, .cert.pem, and .private.key

each of these certificates is well recognized by the nx_secure_x509_certificate_initialize, nx_secure_tls_trusted_certificate_add and nx_secure_tls_local_certificate_add functions.

Error 0x1007 is returned by the nxd_mqtt_client_secure_connect function after a correct nxd_mqtt_client_secure_connect and a first _nx_secure_tls_handshake_process as well. However, nx_secure_tls_session_receive ends up returning the error 0x56, (NX_NOT_CONNECTED).

Note that my code was adapted for AWS because it originally worked for Cloud Azur. I could not use the AWS AE Cloud2 example code because it does not compile despite the SSP v1.7.8 version for which this code is intended.

I hope someone here can help me?

Best Regards,

Eric F.

[locked by: Sai (SWF) at 14:53 (GMT 0) on 23 Jan 2023]
  • Hi Eric, The connection issue could be because of mismatch in the user credentials from cloud account. So even though "nx_secure_x509_certificate_initialize" is ok, the certificate verification is not completed until connection is successful. Have you tried deleting the device on the account and creating new one?

  • Hi Eric, The connection issue could be because of mismatch in the user credentials from cloud account. So even though "nx_secure_x509_certificate_initialize" is ok, the certificate verification is not completed until connection is successful. Have you tried deleting the device on the account and creating new one?
