Hi, I'm making a custom bootloader based on this project https://en-support.renesas.com/knowledgeBase/19641190. But want to adapt it to work with the "Bootloader Firmware Image External Framework".
I'm guessing I have to modify the CRC builder since it point to the partitioned memory for the project
But don't know to where it should be pointing
Can someone give some pointers? (pun intended)
Hi Chalo1304!If you haven't yet, I would recommend you to check out the following post - https://community.renesas.com/mcu-mpu/embedded-system-platform/f/forum/13992/using-the-flashloader-api---appstart/43095#43095
Please go through Jeremy's response and let us know if that's helpful.Regards,Jayesh If this response, or one provided by another user, answers your question, please verify the answer. Thank you!Renesas Engineering Community Moderatorshttps://community.renesas.com/https://academy.renesas.com/en-support.renesas.com/.../
Hi Jayesh,
That answer is using the internal memory. I don't know how to modify the addresses on the CRC file to work with external memory or if it's posssible.Thanks,
Hi Chalo1304.Your question has been forwarded to an internal team. They will reach out to you soon. Thanks for your patience.Regards,Jayesh If this response, or one provided by another user, answers your question, please verify the answer. Thank you!Renesas Engineering Community Moderatorshttps://community.renesas.com/https://academy.renesas.com/en-support.renesas.com/.../
Hello Chalo1304,
Take a look on the project below:
It is called YASB (Yet Another Synergy/Secure Bootloader). This is different to the Flashloader as the Flashloader has no authentication other than a simple CRC. YASB is much less complex than the SBM.
It has been written for the Synergy S5D9 MCU and published it publicly on GitHub. It uses the same concept as MCUBoot on RA. That is, images are signed for authentication and integrity purposes. Porting this to the S7G2 should not be difficult.
Hi AL_Renesas
I had checked it before but dropped it since I couldn't even built it.
.eclipse\com.renesas.platform_1130179900\Utilities\\/isdebuild: not found
Do you know what could be causing this?. Could be cause the project was with 2.0.0 version?.
Hi Jayesh,I haven't been contacted has there been an issue?
I apologize for the delay,
A Field Application Engineer will support you directly.
Were you able to make any progress with this? I'm am trying to accomplish the same thing and having difficulties.
Hi aroscoeSo far only with flash memory. using Karol's bootloader projecten-support.renesas.com/.../19641190
Ok are you using SSP 2.4?