Getting stuck in HALT();while configure the UART in xml

Hi All,

I'm working on PK- S5D9 dev kit, I have added the UART configuration Once properly configured just call the uart_main(); in main_thread_entry.c.

Most of the time it gets stuck in HALT(); in MallocLock(). Sometimes  I'm able to see the output in the terminal. I have no idea what's happening in my code. Even though I have deleted the project and import again facing the same issue.

What's the issue? If I want to test uart do I have to create a new thread in the main file or just call the uart main in main_thread_entry();?

I have attached the latest code which includes uart configuration.

Kindly help me out with this issue.

Thanks in advance,

Issue:- Getting HALT in this function



Parents Reply
  • Hi Sergey,

    Thanks for your response 

    I have configured one more UART as uart channel 0 that also same issue getting stuck in the same line.

     I found out something once I made a UART configuration in.XML file after generating the project  bsp_init_prng(); this function generated automatically in system_S5D9.c file line no 269.

    tx_mutex_get flag is not updating so it's getting halted in the mem.c file. 

    My requirement is UART0  to integrate with the latest code.

              1. RXD0 - P410 - C14
              2. TXD0 - P411 - C15
    Please find the attached code.
