I'm using S7A3 MCU, SSP 2.4.0
Trying to measure 16 analog input using ADC14. The ADC read that return few channel is lower than other. I measure the voltage at the ADC input pins and it has the same voltage as other input. my code is below
volatile bool adc_convert_complete = false; uint16_t adcBuffer[16]; adc_register_t adcChannel[] = {ADC_REG_CHANNEL_0, ADC_REG_CHANNEL_1, ADC_REG_CHANNEL_2, ADC_REG_CHANNEL_3, ADC_REG_CHANNEL_4, ADC_REG_CHANNEL_5, ADC_REG_CHANNEL_6, ADC_REG_CHANNEL_7, ADC_REG_CHANNEL_8, ADC_REG_CHANNEL_16, ADC_REG_CHANNEL_17, ADC_REG_CHANNEL_18, ADC_REG_CHANNEL_19, ADC_REG_CHANNEL_20, ADC_REG_CHANNEL_21, ADC_REG_CHANNEL_22}; g_adc0.p_api->open(g_adc0.p_ctrl, g_adc0.p_cfg); R_S14ADC->ADHVREFCNT_b.HVSEL = 1; R_S14ADC->ADHVREFCNT_b.LVSEL = 1; R_S14ADC->ADCSR_b.ADHSC = 0; // High speed A/D conversion R_S14ADC->ADSSTR0n_b[0].SST = 38; R_S14ADC->ADSSTRO_b.SST = 38; status = g_adc0.p_api->scanCfg(g_adc0.p_ctrl, g_adc0.p_channel_cfg); while(1) { g_adc0.p_api->scanStart(g_adc0.p_ctrl); while (adc_convert_complete == false); adc_convert_complete = false; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { g_adc0.p_api->read(g_adc0.p_ctrl, adcChannel[i], &adcBuffer[i]); } g_adc0.p_api->scanStop(g_adc0.p_ctrl); tx_thread_sleep (100); } void mcu_adc_callback (adc_callback_args_t *p_args) { SSP_PARAMETER_NOT_USED(p_args); adc_convert_complete = true; }
The conversion is show below: Channels in green boxes are measured that all having the same voltage input. However, couple channels with red arrows are reading lower than others. The channels with read arrows read correctly when I significantly lower the input voltage level.
Is there anything I did wrong? Does it require to be calibrated (how)