PE-HMI1 Synergy S7 Series : USB Host

Hi everyone,

I have attempted to demonstrate the sample code for "USBXTm Host Class Mass Storage," but I encountered the error "UX_HOST_CLASS_INSTANCE_UNKNOWN."

Yes, I have formatted the 16GB USB stick with FAT32 and a 32KBytes allocation unit size.

Thank you in Advance

Parents Reply
  • Hi Sergey,

    Thank you for your response.

    I am indeed using SPP version 2.4.0, and the USB project example version I'm working with is 2.2.0. Given the version disparity, I suspect that could be the root of the "UX_HOST_CLASS_INSTANCE_UNKNOWN" error I encountered.

    Is there a recommended way to adapt the example code to work with the newer SSP version, or should I consider downgrading to a compatible version for this project?

    Your guidance is greatly appreciated.

    Best regards,

