Ethernet Flash Boot Loader

Hi guys,

I just started to build an app on PE-HMI1 (SSP 1.2.1).

I want know if there are some example of BootLoader work on ethernet like the old RX62N/RX63N ( )

Somebody knows something already implemented.

Thank you.

Parents Reply
  • Hi JHJ,

    We are developing an OTA bootloader, we have also faced the same error (701) while calling newImagePrepare api .
    We use 2 slots for our project. We have solved the issue by referring the code shared by Karol.

    We used only the sf_firmware_image _internal framework because the downloader framework follows the procedure for
    the communication with flashloader utility.

    So we have to handle each block separately as the code shared by Karol TFTP bootloader example.
