Hi guys,
I just started to build an app on PE-HMI1 (SSP 1.2.1).
I want know if there are some example of BootLoader work on ethernet like the old RX62N/RX63N ( www.renesas.com/.../D3007836.html )
Somebody knows something already implemented.
Thank you.
Hi Karol.
I have a question about the downloader part, the downloader framework does not provide the TFTP communication option.
Can you provide example how to set it up ?
I'm very confused. The whole OTA updated project has 2 parts as the example provided from the https://synergygallery.renesas.com/ssp/utility#read.
Hi James, The project Karol shared (TFTP boot) does not use the downloader framework. The "downloader" part can be found in Client Thread - it contains an instance of the NetX TFTP Client module. The image is downloaded and written to the device in src/client_thread_entry.c file. The project can be imported into e2 Studio or IAR, here is the guide how to import the Synergy project: www.renesas.com/.../keyword-search.html Regards, adboc
Hi Karol,
Any idea ?