
I right now am following the guide on the flashloader example at


I am trying to get this working but require  Flashloader_pack1.2.0b1.exe. I cannot find this download on the website or is there a place where I can download  Flashloader_pack1.3.0.exe since I am using SSP 1.3.0.

I looked in the e2_studio install directory and still cannot find anything. Please let me know where I can find the flashloader pack or where to download it.

I am using the SK-S7G2 starter kit.

Parents Reply
  • HI all,

    I have the same problem, i have a project which uses bootloader Framework with ssp 1.3.3. I migrated to the e2 studio 6.2.0 version and use now ssp 1.4.0. When i opened the project on the new environment, bootloader component has been removed.

    How can I use the Renesas.Synergy_flashloader.1.4.0.pack.zip? What is the procedure to import it?

  • HI Bj,

    You should unzip the file and place the unzipped .pack file in internal/projectgen/arm/packs folder in e2 Studio directory, for example: C:\Renesas\Synergy\e2studio_v6.2.0_ssp_v1.4.0\internal\projectgen\arm\packs

  • Hi adboc,

    I unzipped the Renesas.Synergy_flashloader.1.4.0.pack and put it in internal/projectgen/arm/packs. What should I do to use it in my e2 studio project? I mean to refer to sf_bootloader.h for example

  • Hi Bj,

    In the configurator, please open Threads tab > New Stack > Renesas > Flashloader - there will be all flashloader frameworks available.

  • When I unzip the folder Renesas.Synergy_flashloader.1.4.0.pack.zip and put it in the internal\projectgen\arm\packs, it appears as a folder and nothing happens in e2 Studio.

    Otherwise, if I just rename Renesas.Synergy_flashloader.1.4.0.pack.zip to Renesas.Synergy_flashloader.1.4.0.pack and put it in internal\projectgen\arm\packs, it seems to be regonized as a pack file since I have a message in e2 sutdio which makes me notice that "Changes to the CMSIS Pack Folder have been detected"

    However i can't see the module in Threads tab > New Stack > Renesas > Flashloader. Is there sonmething I missed?

  • I made that I described above and I restarted e2 studio, I can see now Flashloader in Threads tab > New Stack > Renesas .
    However there are only three possibilities and not the one I used in Renesas.Synergy_flashloader.1.3.0.pack . Bootloader Framework on sf_bootloader_mcu is missing in Renesas.Synergy_flashloader.1.4.0.pack
    Does anyone have a suggestion?
  • Hi Bj,

    Sorry, you're right, it's needed to rename *.pack.zip to *.pack and place it in packs/.

    I've just created a new project and see the Bootloader Framework on sf_bootloader_mcu available. Have you selected SSP 1.4.0 in BSP tab?


  • Hi adboc,

    Thanks for your help, I also tried with a new project and I could see all modules. However, I couldn't see them in my existing project so I deleted it from my workspace and imported it again.

    When I opened my project and built with SSP 1.4.0, it didn't remove bootloader component (certainly because the pack is recognized) and the build is ok.

    However I still can't see all modules in Flashloader but my project works, it's not a problem for now but I can't add some modules if needed.


  • Hi Bj,

    Could you check if there are no components from SSP older than 1.4.0 in Components tab? I suggest removing .module_descriptions directory, it will be generated again when opening the project.

  • Hi Adboc,

    I checked and all components come from SSP 1.4.0. I did what you suggested by removing .module_descriptions directory, when I opened the project it generated again the directory but I couldn't see the flashloader module in Threads tab > New Stack

  • Hi All,

    As I said above, it works for one of my projects but I can't see all the modules in Threads tab > New Stack > Renesas. That's not a problem for this project, however I need to add a module to another existing project and I can't.

    In the C:\Renesas\e2_studio_6_2_0\internal\projectgen\arm\packs there is the Renesas.Synergy_flashloader.1.4.0.pack. I tried to remove it and add it again, the change has been detected in e2Studio but I have this message:
    "Installing Synergy support files: Renesas.Synergy_flashloader.1.4.0.pack... No support files present."

