Has anyone used the RA6 (or anything in the RA family) as an SPI slave using the FSP?
I'm currently working with the latest FSP on the EK-RA6M1 eval board. Things work OK using the SPI as a slave if it is in clock synchronous mode, but I can't use that since I need to have communications use the chip select. If I put the SPI module in SPI mode as a slave I can't get any data coming in.
So I'm wondering if anyone has used an RA device as a slave with the FSP, or if it is one of those cases where you can set it up as a slave, but it isn't really supported in the generated code and has to be done by hand?
Hello, Dave!
How's it going so far? I hope our experts can give you a definite answer soon. In the meantime, you might want to browse from the RA FSP example projects here: ra-fsp-examples/example_projects at master · renesas/ra-fsp-examples · GitHub You can find sample SPI projects both for master and slave modules.
I hope that can help you.
All the best!
SaiRenesasRulz Forum Moderator
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I was able to get it working with the help of a Renesas FAE.
I will say for anyone working on SPI with the FSP, that the SPI examples given are relatively useless. They are done in Clock Synchronous Mode, not SPI Mode, so it utilizes the MOSI, MISO and CLK pins, but does not use the chip select. At that point it's really just a UART with an external clock line. Maybe I'm wrong, but I would expect most users to use SPI Mode.
There are some pitfalls regarding the CS line that the examples don't show because it doesn't use them. Specifically that the FSP doesn't toggle the CS line in master mode, it has to be done manually. In slave mode, at least for the RA6M1 and M2, the chip select line must be SSL0, and for SPI 1, one of the pin option is the SWD line, so you're effectively only have one pin option for the chip select
I realize that isn't something you can change, but I wanted to put it out there for anyone else who is having SPI issues.
How were you able to implement SPI on clock synchronous mode?