when I use this function "void do_bank_swap_reboot(void)" in "nortos" its properly work butt when in "freeRtos"the following error occur.
I am experiencing a similar issue after bank swap and reboot, the code is stuck in vbatt_bsp_init() function. How did you solve the problem? Thanks!
Would you mind to create a new post and give some more details about the issue.
Thanks for your response.
I've been trying to do software upgrade without a bootloader. I enabled the dual bank mode in BSP and successfully programmed the upper bank with the same application code. I then exported both banks' memory and made sure that the content of the lower bank and upper bank is identical. Then I did bank swap and upon successful bank swap, rebooted the board by calling:
But after reboot, the code is always stuck somewhere in SystemInit(). Here is the screen capture for the issue I have.
Please create a new post on forum and we will support it.