RA4M2 UART RX interrupt not firing

Hello  Everyone, 

I have implemented  FREERTOS CLI using uart on RA4m2. actually i am  able to trasnmit using uart interface but unable to receive any command using uart.

I am facing to generate RX interrupt . here is my source code for uart call back function. It is an event based application using thready queue .  

Now the same source code using same call back function is working on RA6M3 controller but not on RA4M2. 

do i  need to specify something 

void cli_dbgUartCallback(uart_callback_args_t *p_args)
    Event_t event = { .id = EV_NO_EVENT, .payload.u32Arr[0] = 0 };
    m_dbgUartEvent = p_args->event;

    if ((UART_EVENT_RX_CHAR == m_dbgUartEvent) && (m_cmdInProgress == false))
        if (m_bufferIndex < (CMD_BUFFER_SIZE - 1))
            switch (p_args->data)
                /* If Enter is pressed by user, send event to process the data */
                case '\r':
                    /* Send command received event */
                    event.id = EV_DBG_UART_CMD_RCVD;
                    event.payload.u32Arr[0] = (uint32_t)&m_cmdBuffer[0];
                    /* Set command in progress flag */
                    m_cmdInProgress = true;

                    /* Clear buffer index */
                    m_bufferIndex = 0;
                case '\b':
                    /* Backspace was pressed.  Erase the last character in
                     * the input buffer
                    if (m_bufferIndex > 0)
                        m_cmdBuffer[m_bufferIndex] = '\0';
                case '\n':
                    /* ignore \n escape */
                    /* Write RX data to input buffer */
                    m_cmdBuffer[m_bufferIndex++] = (char) p_args->data;
            /* Buffer overflow! */
            m_bufferIndex = 0;

Parents Reply
  • If you do not see no data in RDR it means that there is no data in Receive Shift Register too, because they are transferred automatically from RSR to RDR.

    But no data in RSR means that there is no serial data received from the RxD pin. Since this pin is configured correctly as shown above, it is possible that serial data do not arrive to RxD pin.

    Can you make sure that that the transmitting device transmits data on P410 line ?
