Hello Everyone,
I have implemented FREERTOS CLI using uart on RA4m2. actually i am able to trasnmit using uart interface but unable to receive any command using uart.
I am facing to generate RX interrupt . here is my source code for uart call back function. It is an event based application using thready queue .
Now the same source code using same call back function is working on RA6M3 controller but not on RA4M2.
do i need to specify something
void cli_dbgUartCallback(uart_callback_args_t *p_args) { Event_t event = { .id = EV_NO_EVENT, .payload.u32Arr[0] = 0 }; m_dbgUartEvent = p_args->event; if ((UART_EVENT_RX_CHAR == m_dbgUartEvent) && (m_cmdInProgress == false)) { if (m_bufferIndex < (CMD_BUFFER_SIZE - 1)) { switch (p_args->data) { /* If Enter is pressed by user, send event to process the data */ case '\r': { /* Send command received event */ event.id = EV_DBG_UART_CMD_RCVD; event.payload.u32Arr[0] = (uint32_t)&m_cmdBuffer[0]; evh_handleEvent(&event); /* Set command in progress flag */ m_cmdInProgress = true; /* Clear buffer index */ m_bufferIndex = 0; break; } case '\b': { /* Backspace was pressed. Erase the last character in * the input buffer */ if (m_bufferIndex > 0) { m_bufferIndex--; m_cmdBuffer[m_bufferIndex] = '\0'; } break; } case '\n': /* ignore \n escape */ break; default: { /* Write RX data to input buffer */ m_cmdBuffer[m_bufferIndex++] = (char) p_args->data; break; } } } else { /* Buffer overflow! */ m_bufferIndex = 0; } } }