Hello there, experimenting with the EK-RA6M4 CAN example while its connected to an ESP32 and MCP2515 transceiver. Below is the error i got on RTT viewer:
Please help
Hello Torpedod,
Thanks for reaching out Renesas Community!
First of all, can you please send the schematics of your circuit and the connections between the EK-RA6M4, ESP32 and MCP2515 transceiver?
Also, on the demo project there are some error flags inside the can_callback function:
Please, try to add breakpoints on these flags during debugging, in order to check if something of these flags are set during execution and find your issue's reason.
For this example to work you will need 2 different RA boards with 1 CAN transceiver connected to each board. Not sure how ESP32 comes into place.
Other option if you have only 1 board and 1 CAN transceiver is to test in external loopback mode, where the Tx pin is transmitting to Rx pin via the transceiver.
The ESP32 can act as a CAN target and has a CAN transceiver. But two RA boards would work.
Thansk Larry, i figured it out, i just had to match the baudrates.