Fetch Slave Address in RA6M5 Controller

Hi team,

Am using RA6M5 microcontroller, we have 3 I2C interfaces in this microcontroller, Here i have simulated I2C scenario... Here are the following steps : 

1) Created a stack of type r_iic_master and used the pins P409(SDA) and P410(SCL)
2) Created another stack of type r_iic_slave and used the pins P511(SDA) and P512(SCL)
Note: I just want to use the I2C communication protocol in the same Microcontroller..(I dont want any external device to connect) 
Here i have used the jumper wires to connect SDA and SCL lines from Master to Slave.... In the configuration part, i am supposed to provide Slave address, Can you kindly help me on what slave address is to be provided under Master and Slave stack ?
I am attaching the project in to this mail... Kindly look into it and let me know for any queries

Thanks & regards,
