Hello!I am trying to generate device memory structs etc. for the Renesas R7FA8M1AH MCU (Cortex-M85) in Rust. To do this, I use a tool named svd2rust, however this gives svd parsing errors when using the SVD file provided for this chip (found at https://www.keil.arm.com/packs/). (It complains about missing name fields among other things).Upon inspecting the file, there are indeed several missing name fields ("<name />" lines).To ensure that there aren't any bugs with this tool in particular, I tried to use the SVDConv tool in the CMSIS-Pack from ARM. This is an official tool for validating svd files, however this tool gives a total of 1546 Error and 7986 Warnings!Am I doing something wrong here? is this svd file actually full of errors and warnings?Best regards,Oscar