I am using EK-RA2L1 board with device R7FA2L1AB2DFP. Trying to follow the steps mentioned in Secure Bootloader for RA2 MCU Series.
I am using Swap upgrade mode with Signature.
I came across the following error while building the project (tried clean + build too).
Building target: ra2l1_mcuboot_swap_bootloader.elf
c:/renesas/ra/e2studio_v2023-10_fsp_v5.0.0/toolchains/gcc_arm/12.2.mpacbti-rel1/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/12.2.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld.exe:fsp.ld:170 cannot move location counter backwards (from 00000536 to 00000400)
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [makefile:102: ra2l1_mcuboot_swap_bootloader.elf] Error 1
"make -r -j16 all" terminated with exit code 2. Build might be incomplete.
Can you please help me solve this error ?
Below I am attaching the images for the some major changes I have made acc to the manual.
Thank You.
Kind Regards,
Keniz Gandhi
Hello Keniz,
The example you are testing is ported into FSP 3.6.0, which FSP version are you using and trying to build the example into?
Also please let me provide you an example tested on EK-RA2L1. I will attach for you a Bootloader project using mcuboot stack in FSP , with signature and Upgrade Mode selected. And an application project which is basically a blinky FreeRTOS example for RA2L1.
As soon as you switch to debug mode in the Application project you will be redirected to the mcuboot_quick_setup() function of the project and your program will jump to the application and the blinky project will start running.
The projects are tested into e2studio 2023-10 and FSP 5.0.0.
Hope it helps.