Hi,Is there any library for RA2L1MCU's SSD1306 OLED using I2C interface,If yes please provide the link, Thanks.
Hello izrtn,
I've made such library for RA2A1 MCU but I'm pretty sure it will work for RA2L1 as well. Here is the tutorial about it, and the link is at the end of it. https://www.circuitbread.com/tutorials/renesas-ra-8-porting-the-arduino-oled-library-to-the-renesas-ra-family
Kind regards,
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is there any library which is written on C
I can send you a similar library which I have written in C for another MCU, you will just need to replace the I2C-related functions like in the tutorial I provided in the previous post if that suits you.
Great, Can you provide a link to that one, thanks.
This is the port of the C library for RL78 MCU. You will just need to change some functions in the Adafruit_SSD1306.c file. Also please pay attention to the resolution of the display. In my program it's 64x32.
I have implemented the communication between Ra2l1 and SSD1306 OLED 0.96 inch 128*64;I'm not able to display proper values , getting speckled screen, what would be the issue
It looks like the display has been initialized but no data has been sent into it. Have you properly replaced all the I2C related functions?
Also if you have some oscilloscope or logic analyzer, you can check the signals if they are correct on the SCL and SDA pins. Otherwise you can just make sure that everything is transmitted correctly using the debugger and step-by-step execution.
hii sergey
i am facing same issue did i connect SDA and SCL pin with pullup resistor with the 5V? because i see some arcticles.
I using custom board for R7FA2l1.
Nikhil Kumar
Hello Nikhil Kumar,
If you use the display on the board you don't need any pull-up resistors as they already are attached on this board. Also please refer to this tutorial https://www.circuitbread.com/tutorials/renesas-ra-8-porting-the-arduino-oled-library-to-the-renesas-ra-family. Even if you use C instead of C++ you still can use the same functions to work with the I2C as in this tutorial.
Thanks sergey
Hlo i tried but screen will showing like this
And when i debug step by step then it is show if i didn't debug the code the no s reen will be visible. Pls give me some idea what i do wrong.
Try to add some delay (about 1 s ) after MCU reset before accessing to the display