Hi,Is there any library for RA2L1MCU's SSD1306 OLED using I2C interface,If yes please provide the link, Thanks.
Hlo i tried but screen will showing like this
And when i debug step by step then it is show if i didn't debug the code the no s reen will be visible. Pls give me some idea what i do wrong.
Try to add some delay (about 1 s ) after MCU reset before accessing to the display
Kind regards,
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Ok but what about the values it is showing only one page
Maybe wrong initialization. Have you changed the display dimensions in the Adafruit_SSD1306.h file?
You need to uncomment "#define SSD1306_128_64" and comment the "#define SSD1306_64_32".
I changed
Can you send me your project so I could check it?
Here is my test project. i am using R7FA2L1A93CFL MCU.
Nikhil kumar
OK, seems like I've found it.
In your project in the oled_display function you use this code:
And in the library I used this code looks different
So in your code it sends only one line while in my code it sends the whole display
Dear sergey,
i still facing same problem which is mention below:
1. I changed the code according to you but agein it will showing same.
2. If i use debugger and debug the code step by step then it will run only one page is run and if i run the code without debug step by step then the screen is showing only random pixels. no value will be display
3. why only one page is showing did i need to use different library or something or their is another methiod to initialize the code.
Hello Nikhil Kumar,
You need to assign the value I2C_MASTER_EVENT_ABORTED to the i2cMaster_event variable before the transmission because otherwise it keeps I2C_MASTER_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE and the loop finishes instantly.
Please check my function i2c_write from the above C++ library I provided.
void Adafruit_SSD1306::i2c_write(uint8_t* buf, uint16_t len) { fsp_err_t err; uint32_t timeout_ms = I2C_TRANSACTION_BUSY_DELAY; /* Send data to I2C slave */ g_i2c_callback_event = I2C_MASTER_EVENT_ABORTED; err = R_IIC_MASTER_Write(&g_i2c_master0_ctrl, buf, len, false); if (err == FSP_SUCCESS) { /* Since there is nothing else to do, block until Callback triggers*/ while ((I2C_MASTER_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE != g_i2c_callback_event) && timeout_ms) { R_BSP_SoftwareDelay(1U, BSP_DELAY_UNITS_MILLISECONDS); timeout_ms--;; } if (I2C_MASTER_EVENT_ABORTED == g_i2c_callback_event) { __BKPT(0); } } }