SelfTest ROM CRC problem

Hi there!

I'm using EK-RA2A1 evaluation board and trying to implement IEC 60730/60335 Self Test Library for RA MCU (CM4_CM23) to the project. When following the attached PDF about how to implement the CRC calculation of the ROM, when building the project doesn't create addcrc.srec so I can't add to the debug and the crc calculation gives error.

Added the "arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O srec "${ProjName}.elf" "Original.srec" & ${ProjDirPath}/srec/srec_cat @${ProjDirPath}/srec/CRCcalcCmd256KB.txt" to Project/Properties/C C++ Build/Settings -> Build Steps -> Post-build steps -> Command(s) but it does nothing apparently.

What am I missing? Thanks in advance!

Best regars,

Aitor Azkolain

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