I2C send memory address in read operation


I'm trying to implement a comunication with a I2C device. I have a RA6M4 microcontroller and just one slave device on I2C.

The write operation seems to be good, as far the device has a expected behaviour.

But, in read operation, i can not fulfill the sequence of the device. The sequence is like a I2C read memory:

The point is:

- If I execute the read function (R_IIC_MASTER_Read), the start, device address, read bit, and acknoledge is good, but register address is always 0xFF, like a dummy byte.

- If I execute the write function, (R_IIC_MASTER_Write), the start and device address is good, but it sends always the write bit (0).

So, how can I achieve the correct sequence? No examples found that work it.
