I'm working on a RA6M5 MCU.
I'm trying to find a way to make it work as a USB-UART converter. I found a USB PCDC sample project: "C:\Code\ra-fsp-examples\example_projects\ek_ra6m5\usb_pcdc\usb_pcdc_ek_ra6m5_ep\e2studio".
But there is no UART stack in the project. There is also no sample code demonstrate how to forward the data between USB and UART. Is there any sample project does that?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Pilot,
Thanks for reaching out Renesas Community.
The USB PCDC is let the usb port work as a com port, so we didn't add an uart stack in the FSP, and in the project folder, there is a readme.txt, it shows the way to use this project. If you are using our official EK board, you need to connect two usb cables(one for debug and one for com port). If you are using customer board, you need to set the correct pin of USB port so that your pc can recognize the MCU as a COM port.
Thanks NP_Renesas.
I'm looking into the PCDC sample project. I also created my own project which has the USB PCDC and UART stack. I'm trying to figure out how to forward the data between USB and UART. Let me know if there is any sample project does that.
Sorry we don't have this kind of sample project.