MCUBOOT RA6E1 Memory Region Issue

Hi! I have ported the "ra6-secure-firmware-update-using-mcuboot-and-flash-dual-bank-application-project" to RA6E1 and we have USB interface soldered correctly. 

Changes : I had to change the Heap Size to 0x1800 of the Bootloader project for MbedTLS (Hardware Acceleration - PKC) . I have set UCLK to 48MHz for USB PCDC. A few other minor changes. 

I did not change the stack size for primary or secondary projects.

Re-create the Issue : 

1. Erase MCU using Renesas Device Partition Manager. 

2. Debug primary_project and using USB interface, update to 1.1

3. Now try to erase secondary image to upgrade to 1.2, but stuck on Erasing secondary slot...

Inference : When I debug, I can see the R_FLASH_HP_BlankCheck() failing after erasing secondary slot ( close to the end of SECONDARY_IMAGE_END_ADDRESS ), I was confused whether the size of the image could be causing issues, or the above mentioned changes I did.

Also, could you suggest me to look at something, that might help me be certain about the Image Sizes that I need to change once I start adding more stuff to the primary and secondary projects (currently I am using