RFP CLI check connection with programming probe

Hi everyone,

I am using RFP CLI (with Labview) to automize the test sequence on our product at the factory.

For this, I am just generating a .bat file which launch the right commands, for example to flash a .hex file into the uC.

But, at the start of my application, I am checking the connection with all the peripherals I need.

With St-link programming probe, using STM32 Programmer CLI, there is no issue: it exists a specific command to just check the connection with the programming tool, so it is fine.

With RFP CLI,  I didn't find such a command, so I need to try communication using  "rfp-cli -d RA -tool jlink -if swd -s 6000000 "  command, specifying then the target..

So this is the first interrogation I have is: is there a way to just check the connection with my programming probe (here segger jlink)? 

Then, and this is the major issue, when the programming probe isn't connected, it opens a window, which I don't want, because the operators will be kind of lost..

or, with the following command "rfp-cli -d RA -tool jlink"

is there a way to not open a window in case of programming probe unconnected ?

Thank you,

Parents Reply
  • Regarding the orange LED next to J-Link on-chip debugger:

    A yellow indicator, LED5, shows the visual status of the debug interface. When the board is powered on, and LED5 is blinking, it indicates that the J-Link debugger is not connected to a programming host. When LED5 is on solid, it indicates that the J-Link debugger is connected to a programming interface

    What do you want to do with the reset ? The reset pin is controlled by the debugger and it can reset the MCU if needed.
