RFP CLI check connection with programming probe

Hi everyone,

I am using RFP CLI (with Labview) to automize the test sequence on our product at the factory.

For this, I am just generating a .bat file which launch the right commands, for example to flash a .hex file into the uC.

But, at the start of my application, I am checking the connection with all the peripherals I need.

With St-link programming probe, using STM32 Programmer CLI, there is no issue: it exists a specific command to just check the connection with the programming tool, so it is fine.

With RFP CLI,  I didn't find such a command, so I need to try communication using  "rfp-cli -d RA -tool jlink -if swd -s 6000000 "  command, specifying then the target..

So this is the first interrogation I have is: is there a way to just check the connection with my programming probe (here segger jlink)? 

Then, and this is the major issue, when the programming probe isn't connected, it opens a window, which I don't want, because the operators will be kind of lost..

or, with the following command "rfp-cli -d RA -tool jlink"

is there a way to not open a window in case of programming probe unconnected ?

Thank you,

Parents Reply Children
  • I have already tried.. it doesn't work

    For example:


    rfp-cli -d RA -tool jlink -if swd -s 6000000 -write32 0x7800 00C80064 -run

    If i put the -run into a separate command line, it does nothing and the cmd windows tells me "no operation', as shown below

    C:\prog_config_serieRen\Scripts>rfp-cli -d RA -tool jlink -if swd -s 6000000 -write32 0x7800 00C80064
    Renesas Flash Programmer CLI V1.06
    Module Version: V3.11.02.000
    Connecting the tool (J-Link)
    Tool: J-Link (SEGGER J-Link EDU)
    Interface: SWD
    Connecting the target device
    Speed: 6,000,000 Hz
    Connected to RA
    Reading data from the device
      [Code Flash 1]       00007800 - 00007FFF
    Erasing the target device
      [Code Flash 1]       00007800 - 00007FFF
    Writing data to the target device
      [Code Flash 1]       00007800 - 00007FFF
    Verifying data on the target device
      [Code Flash 1]       00007800 - 00007FFF
    Disconnecting the tool
    Operation successful
    C:\prog_config_serieRen\Scripts>rfp-cli -d RA -tool jlink -if swd -s 6000000 -run
    Renesas Flash Programmer CLI V1.06
    Module Version: V3.11.02.000
    Connecting the tool (J-Link)
    Tool: J-Link (SEGGER J-Link EDU)
    Interface: SWD
    Disconnecting the tool
    No operation

    So it may be a syntax issue ?

  • With a firmware running on the device and then executing:

    rfp-cli -d RA -tool jlink -if swd -s 6000000 -write32 0x7800 00C80064

    the firmware keeps running after the command.

    Also if I program a new program file on the device, it then runs without the run command.

    rfp-cli -d RA -t jlink -if swd -s 6000000 -a "C\...\file.srec"

    Please update RFP and J-Link to the latest versions and try again.

  • Allright, I have updated RFP which was v3.11 version (working with RFP-CLI 1.06) to the last one: v3.15 (RFP-CLI 1.09) and yes, the uC restart after sending flash memory write command line; and this, without sending "-run" command.