RFP CLI check connection with programming probe

Hi everyone,

I am using RFP CLI (with Labview) to automize the test sequence on our product at the factory.

For this, I am just generating a .bat file which launch the right commands, for example to flash a .hex file into the uC.

But, at the start of my application, I am checking the connection with all the peripherals I need.

With St-link programming probe, using STM32 Programmer CLI, there is no issue: it exists a specific command to just check the connection with the programming tool, so it is fine.

With RFP CLI,  I didn't find such a command, so I need to try communication using  "rfp-cli -d RA -tool jlink -if swd -s 6000000 "  command, specifying then the target..

So this is the first interrogation I have is: is there a way to just check the connection with my programming probe (here segger jlink)? 

Then, and this is the major issue, when the programming probe isn't connected, it opens a window, which I don't want, because the operators will be kind of lost..

or, with the following command "rfp-cli -d RA -tool jlink"

is there a way to not open a window in case of programming probe unconnected ?

Thank you,

  • Hello,

    This window is popped up by the J-Link Commander so you need to change the settings of J-Link commander so they do not pop up a window after unsuccessful connection.

    You can contact Segger on this or look online for the correct commands. A look on the command strings may be a good start:



  • Hi, Ok, i am going to check that.

    Also, despite I have tried to used "-reset" or "-run" command (into same line or into a seperate line command), the uC doesn't restart and also, the LED of the programming probe stays in orange color. Do you have any help on that topic which is the critical ?

    thank you in advance,

  • Regarding the orange LED next to J-Link on-chip debugger:

    A yellow indicator, LED5, shows the visual status of the debug interface. When the board is powered on, and LED5 is blinking, it indicates that the J-Link debugger is not connected to a programming host. When LED5 is on solid, it indicates that the J-Link debugger is connected to a programming interface

    What do you want to do with the reset ? The reset pin is controlled by the debugger and it can reset the MCU if needed.

  • Hi, sorry for the delay, I have been working on other stuffs.

    Concerning reset, after sending rfp commands (as flashing datas at some specific memory location and/or flash an .hex file, I want the uC to start/run/execute code without manual power connector disconnection / reconnection.

    Is there a way by sending a specific rfp command line ?

  • There is the -run command which releases the reset signal and causes the target device to run after disconnection. 

  • I have already tried.. it doesn't work

    For example:


    rfp-cli -d RA -tool jlink -if swd -s 6000000 -write32 0x7800 00C80064 -run

    If i put the -run into a separate command line, it does nothing and the cmd windows tells me "no operation', as shown below

    C:\prog_config_serieRen\Scripts>rfp-cli -d RA -tool jlink -if swd -s 6000000 -write32 0x7800 00C80064
    Renesas Flash Programmer CLI V1.06
    Module Version: V3.11.02.000
    Connecting the tool (J-Link)
    Tool: J-Link (SEGGER J-Link EDU)
    Interface: SWD
    Connecting the target device
    Speed: 6,000,000 Hz
    Connected to RA
    Reading data from the device
      [Code Flash 1]       00007800 - 00007FFF
    Erasing the target device
      [Code Flash 1]       00007800 - 00007FFF
    Writing data to the target device
      [Code Flash 1]       00007800 - 00007FFF
    Verifying data on the target device
      [Code Flash 1]       00007800 - 00007FFF
    Disconnecting the tool
    Operation successful
    C:\prog_config_serieRen\Scripts>rfp-cli -d RA -tool jlink -if swd -s 6000000 -run
    Renesas Flash Programmer CLI V1.06
    Module Version: V3.11.02.000
    Connecting the tool (J-Link)
    Tool: J-Link (SEGGER J-Link EDU)
    Interface: SWD
    Disconnecting the tool
    No operation

    So it may be a syntax issue ?

  • With a firmware running on the device and then executing:

    rfp-cli -d RA -tool jlink -if swd -s 6000000 -write32 0x7800 00C80064

    the firmware keeps running after the command.

    Also if I program a new program file on the device, it then runs without the run command.

    rfp-cli -d RA -t jlink -if swd -s 6000000 -a "C\...\file.srec"

    Please update RFP and J-Link to the latest versions and try again.

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