Hi ,I'm using R7FA4M2AB microcontroller and I have issue related to USB. USB takes time to establish connection around 20 to 30 seconds.
Is there any ways to reduce the time?
Hello libra,
Thanks for posting your question online.
Can you please give some more details for your application?
Is RA4M2 used as host or as device?
What type of USB class do you use(PCDC, PHID, PMSC, etc)?
Is your application baremetal or do you use any kind of RTOS?
RA4M2 is used as device.
Code generated from e2 studio.
Do you use any Renesas sample project for system's evaluation or your own customized project?
Customized project
Can you please share your project to check it?
Hello Al_Renesas
Please share me your mail id
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