LVGL Not Displaying on Screen with EK-RA8D1 and FreeRTOS

I am using E2 Studio version 5.4 and attempting to recreate an LVGL project with FreeRTOS using only the source code, without including any demos, examples, or additional components. The project is set up as a clean project.

  1. The C/C++ build configuration is correctly set up.
  2. The code compiles and runs successfully.
  3. At startup, the display backlight blinks once but then remains black.
  4. No errors or faults are reported.

A. Despite these indications, nothing is displayed on the screen. Could you please assist in identifying the issue?

B. I have been working with lv_ /lv_port_renesas_ek-ra8d1 and can confirm that it works perfectly with E2 Studio 5.3. However, I have noticed that the CPU usage is relatively high, ranging from 50 to 60% when running lv_example_get_started_1. For my final project, I need to use multiple threads and therefore need to optimize the CPU usage. Any advice or suggestions to help optimize CPU usage would be greatly appreciated.

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